Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Don’t be fooled

The Yoga Mama May look friendly but when it comes to competitive board games she is as hard as nails and as determined as an old fashioned centre half playing football in the mud. No surprises that she came out top at Monopoly Empire this afternoon. It was great fun, it’s one of those games where things can change suddenly. Poor old TSM ended up in jail three times before managing to get past Go once.

The Dizzle drove us there and back in the rain (for the most part). I’m quite happy to be a passenger these days, although I do sometimes toy with the idea of taking an advanced driving course just to sharpen myself up as I enter the third age.

This blip was taken by The Dizzle on my Lumix GX-8 with my new Olympus micro 4/3 75mm - 300mm lens, which I have had my eye on for a while. Amazon dropped the price yesterday by nearly £100 so I used the dosh from selling all my old Nikon gear a few weeks ago and snapped it up. Very pleased with the first few shots but it’s really an outdoor lens that needs to sit on a tripod so I’m hoping to give it a good try out in Israel next month where the weather will be a bit better and more conducive to experimenting.

Good day.

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