Walking Wombat

By WalkingWombat

Monitor Lizard

I had been down filling up the water bowls late this afternoon when I nearly jumped out of my skin.  This beautiful Monitor Lizard was sunning himself on the rocks next to the water tank and wasn't a bit perturbed by my presence.  (See extra of the whole body).......CRIKEY!!

I gave myself another wonderful surprise this morning when I went searching for details on how to contact my Blip Buddy Debbi - dbifulco
I had gone into Messenger and decided I would press the little blue phone icon.  Well to my absolute amazement, all of a sudden Debbi was not only talking to me, I could actually see her.  I have been following Debbi for many years now and love her journal.  Her images are spectacular but so are her journal entries.  I find it's the type of journal  that can life your spirits because of Debbi's quirky sense of humour.  Well I have to say we did have a lot of laughs today and it was just so special to be able to share the airwaves with her.  The hilarious part of the whole exercise was that I was actually still in bed when I pressed the button AND I hadn't even had a chance to do my hair!!  At least Debbi now knows what a wombat looks like when they wake up in the morning.  Thanks for the chat Debbi, I can't wait to do it again sometime soon :) Oh, and I almost forgot to mention, I got to meet Charlie as well, how lucky was I!!  For those of you who follow Debbi's journal you will know Charlie is a much loved feline member of the family :)  It was nice to meet you Charlie!

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