A Sunbeam

My gift to you all!


The current Mrs Mart has told me to apologise to you all for yesterdays blip. So sorry...

Today I had a vehicule driving around making tannoy announcements which were punctuated by an alarm signal. To begin with they were too indistinct to make out what the announcements were. I feared that maybe we had been invaded (by the French, or possibly the Welsh) or that the local nucleur power station had exploded, or a chemical plant was spewing noxious and toxic gases in my direction.

The van started to drive up my road, I peeled my ears....

'Do not panic, do not be alarmed. Go in to your house and shut all of your windows and draw the curtains. Do not drink the water. Put on your sunglasses to protect your eyes, and your lucky underpants..'

But no, it was a rag and bone man asking for 'Any, any old iron or scrap?'

I breathed a sigh of relief!!

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