ravydavy's photos

By ravydavy

Kebab shop daughter.

It was a damp night, when Debra (the wife) got home, she wanted a kebab, this is the daughter of the owners, she always talks to me, sometimes they all talk to me, sometimes even in english, it's a laugh every night I go in, I try to reply as if I understand what they have said, but, of course, I havn't got a clue.
They treat me like a friend as well as a valued customer, I buy and eat their lovely kebabs,
Please don't take any offence at my light hearted comments here, their English is probably 'more proper' than mine, as an exiled Scot, living in Norn Iron, with residential periods in Nottingham and Dublin, my acccent would drive a linguist up the walls.
Debra ate the whole kebab in one go.

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