Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

The White House

Being decorated in white is a little spooky. Everything is so clean and bright and empty, it’s unnerving. I’ll be happier when we have a few pictures up (although that’s a whole other conversation).

Day four of decorating, day three of The Crown season 3, and day two of an unpleasant cold that has gone to my chest and led to a hacking cough. Turns out Prince Philip’s mum was a rather amazing woman who did all sorts of stuff in her life and suffered wars and barbaric psychiatric treatments, yet spent most of her time doing good deeds for others. Including hiding a Jewish family from the Nazis. Fluent in English, German and Greek. That’s what you call a life well lived. 

Labour launched its manifesto today. Not a lot to disagree with but I can’t see it winning. A lot of young voters have registered in the last month mind. Maybe we’re in for a surprise.

I’m sure it’ll be all white on the night ...

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