A day out

Another early morning but thanks to the valerian remedy Ailie gave me I got a decent night’s sleep. Or maybe it was the good tramp round the moor.

We took the train to Edinburgh. As it arrived before any gallery was open I persuaded Mr C into M & S and he came out with 2 shirts WHICH ARE NOT WALKING GEAR! Miracles happen.

We saw some old photographs in the portrait gallery then met Sheila and Mike from their train. We went to the City gallery for the Mary Cameron exhibition then walked over Carlton Hill admiring the great views in all directions.

From there it was a quick walk down to 21212 on Royal Terrace. We were treating them to lunch as Sheila had taken so much trouble to get my new phone from EBay at such a good price. They really appreciated it and as always the food was delicious and so pretty.

We had coffee upstairs in the sitting room and stayed till we had to get our train back. We were all on the same train and were able to sit together. It was great to catch up - they wanted to know if we had any inkling while in Iran of the current situation erupting. (Only as much as the regime must have been anticipating demonstrations by closing the Cyrus site). A Russian friend is concerned about his friends there and our friend Ali in London is worried about Shab who has gone over to visit her family. While the shut down on internet continues there has been no news. Nobody even knows how many protesters have been killed.

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