The Princess and the Dog

By Princessnthedog

The Ghost of Stockbridge Past

Dear O'H dear and Lovely Tea Jenny,

I went down to The Scran and Scallie tonight to buy a voucher and I had a complete blast of nostalgia.

Stockbridge is somewhere I think of you both - buying jewellery from Annie Smith, ordering EMP’s first babycinno and having the perfect afternoon eating lunch in the Scran and Scallie before pottering in the quirky shops with you Jenny.

Then there are drinks in The Stockbridge Tap with fits of the giggles after dinner in Dishoom, having amazing chocolate soufflé and meeting Jasper and Punky (just) with you O’H dear.

There’s something about that part of Edinburgh that feels just right. I think it’s because of the time I’ve spent there with people who are just right.

Sometimes I really miss you.


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