
By spishy

View of Sheffield from a Velux window

We spent the morning at the Hospital with Rafi and Jackie. There were no other visitors so we had some quality time with them. It was good be there with them and we are praying that Rafi's brain shunt op goes ahead as planned on Monday. It has been postponed about 3 times now because of complications with Raf's condition.

By coincidence an old college friend of Pete's has recently bought a house in Sheffield so we called in to see him on our way back from the hospital. This is the view from the window at the top of the house.

On leaving here we headed for the M1 for our journey back home to Surrey. My Dad is quite poorly with a bad chest infection and at his age of 86 years it is a worry. A good journey back, thank goodness, no hold ups and no snow fall, although there were warning signs along the M1 that snow is forecast.

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