
By Cumbrialass

Windy Wednesday

The plan was to drive up to Ambleside, go for a walk then into the town for a wander round the shops and a bite to eat in one of the dog friendly establishments. 
But it was very cold and windy and raining and grey and generally not a very nice day.. so the trip was postponed. 
Disappointing but we're aiming to go on Friday. I was looking forward to trying out my new lens.. but it would have been cold on my fingers. And its hard to focus when your eyes are watering with the cold.

So we wrapped up warm and Fletch got his usual walk up to the park.

As we left, a parcel arrived  from my friend. An avid reader of mainly thrillers.  On the top of the pile was Ambleside Alibi.. perhaps I will read that first.
I've not read as much recently. I go through phases, eating up a good story but then if I get one that has me plodding through ( I rarely give up on a book ) I lose the momentum for reading. 
Recently I seem to have been reading nothing but photography  articles , magazines and books! 
This parcel will keep me busy for a few months,  then  I'll pass them on to someone who after reading them sells them on a stall for charity. 

My friend always includes a bag of treats for Fletch. He sat patiently as I unpacked.. waiting . I presume he could smell them or he has a good memory, as the last parcel was sent last January..
He was rewarded with a bone biscuit and a chew... more later.

Fingers crossed it gets a bit milder..  or at least sunnier. Having looked at the forecast I dont think so. 

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