Heart in the Middle

Well that turned out to be a stressful day!!!

A Social worker emailed me to let me know details of a final visit later on. I had it in my diary for Thursday. Turned out to be my mistake - again so had to go into Turbo mode to get logistics sorted with an earlier session but sorted it. Just meant I had no time to walk Bella, sort lunch or mentally prepare myself for what was to come.

Then a last look in the mirror to make sure I didnt have anything embarrassing in my teeth or on my face and thought my make up had run - it was a bruise right in the outer corner of my eye. It wasn't there earlier as I had taken a Selfie with Bella and it wasn't in the picture. It must have come from the stress!! Worrying!

My day went better than expected, both sessions went fine, the last family where admirably brave and Daughter Number 2 babysat Fluffy Legs and took her for a walk.

Its the little things that count.

Happy Birthday to my Sissy who called me for a long chat after yesterday's revelations. Iv offered her my advice but I doubt she will take it. She needs to work things out for herself.

Flowers from Jane at the weekend. Seemed appropriate for today.

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