Sieze the day

By Mario

Flight of the Bumble bee

What a day called out to a burst watermain at 7:30 this morning, home at 14:30. Another call out at 15:00 only to be abused by the occupier so I packed up my tools and left them with their leak. Its been a big first week back at work 62.5 hours and no weekend break. Worked in the pouring rain this morning and then the sun come out and it was hot. The bees were all over the Lavender when I shot this image this evening. 140 bee images deleted about 120 and got 3 inflight bees not a bad effort,I admire those photographers who get such beautiful flying insect and bird images because these are not easy to do. If you have a good look you can see the high speed blurr of the wings on this bee.2 more bees in flight

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