Technical Difficulties

My Dear Princess and Dear Fellows,

Today I decided to try and record my first ever episode. I wanted to try out the software (that worked fine) the microphone (clear as a bell) and to road-test my "podcast voice".

No, you mustn't laugh. I wanted to be clear and to try not to gabble. Which is what I tend to do when nervous or excited. So I slooooowed my voice right down and tried to enunciate correctly. 

In my head, I sound like Charles Gray giving instructions on how to do The Time Warp. I probably sound more like a stoned William Hague. I do enjoy certain words though. "Macabre" is my favourite. 

ME: Mac-aaaaaaahhhb. 

It's great fun. I shall attempt to fit in at least one mac-aaaaaaahhhb per episode. 

I have a ready prepared transcript. I wrote it in advance so as to avoid lots of errrrs and ummms. It was only when I was reading it that I realised how many long sentences I used and I ran out of breath a lot. So there were a lot of effs and shits instead of errrs and ummms. I'll edit those out, I thought. 

It was a reasonable theory, but ruined by the fact that, 45 minutes later, when I went to switch off the recording I realised that I had never switched it ON. And that essentially I had been talking to myself for three-quarters of an hour. 

Oh well. Let's just call that one a dress rehearsal and try again soon. 


p.s. Isn't this a nice picture of Jasper? He looks so happy!

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