Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Winter colour

On impulse we went to the National Portrait Gallery for the Taylor Wessing annual prize exhibition of photographic portraits. Some stunning images with lots of empathy for the subject. There really are some groundbreaking young photographers out there. 

London was very busy but the South Bank looked lovely.

Had a beer with Strider when I got back to Woking and we chewed over the latest myriad of promises being made in the fictional bidding war that has replaced intelligent political debate leading up to the election. I am just waiting for the first party to promise a free unicorn to every household in Britain. Couldn’t get much more absurd. 

Watched Game Changers this evening. Best case I’ve seen yet for a plant based diet. It’s on Netflix, take time to watch it if you can. And eat much less meat.

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