Long run

This is the only pic I took today and it was on my rubbish phone. I wanted to crop it a bit more but that made it too small.
Why only one? 
Today I did may longest run ever, over 20 miles, the previous max being 16 well over a year ago. 
I worked out a route that started with parkrun and then did 4 laps through the woods and round the resevoir and various people accompanied me on the different laps. Thanks to them I was able to keep going at a consistent speed and only really noticing the pain in the last 2 miles. 
I had brief pauses to refuel in between the laps and, excluding them ran for just under 4 hrs 10mins.
Back home and fed a long soak was welcome and now the wine has been opened.
Terry is a new mural on teh door of a hut at the reservoir

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