One life to live

By otornblom

Is Saturday the best day of the week?

It well may be. I had fabulous day today! I'm always happy when I can wake up then when I'm ready to wake up. It's not easy for our family to have early an fast starts when day off... However, it's nice to have day's when you don't have agenda and you are not in the hurry at all. So it was quite late when we left to the city -- the best part was that sun started to shine at the very same time when we were driving towards Tampere.

We had Sami with us and we made a nice walk in Pyynikki and in city center in beautiful (but cold, -12 C) weather. It was splendid day to take photos! Today's blip picture is from Pyynikki esker; after photographing the landscape we were leaving to the car when I heard a woodpecker nearby. I managed to take few shot's before it scared and flew off. I don't have any objectives but I was close enough to capture the bird.

We headed to cafe Runo to warm up and to have afternoon coffee before grocery shopping. We had hungry children waiting at home when we came back so dinner was prepared fast. Then we had nice family evening with Sanajahti and Survivors and my last thing today was to bake a cake for tomorrow.

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