Caravan sold last month :( As we have been putting away £100/ month cost for storage and upkeep and we treat ourselves to an overnight stay each month/so.

This time it included the first walk from our Country Walks book J&K gave us last Christmas!!!
#Hassocks to Lewes....but because I still wasn’t 100% and the weather we just planned 1/2 of the 11 mile walk.
#After 6 miles we were glad to find the lunch stop. A very tasty lunch was enjoyed in front of a log fire.
#The views from the South Downs Way were stunning ( probably even better in the sunshine!!!)
We then cheated and got Uber back to Hassocks and drove onto Lewes. Just as well because now it was dark and pouring!!
#Staying at the beautiful Pelham House Hotel.
#And we got an upgrade. ***

Glad to be able to chill and relax...even The Rev managed it!!!

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