Sally Mair - Loving life

By Sallymair

Growing on you!

To misquote Norman Wisdom.
The roses Colin met me with on Sunday are going strong and opening up nicely.
Today I went to the local nursing home to take communion to two members of our congregation, one of whom is 104, she says her eyes and ears don't work as well as they did, but so far as I can see her mind is pretty good! It's such a lovely visit, I really enjoy it.
I walked home afterwards and a friend came for lunch - the batch of carrot soup I made is delicious but a really vibrant orange, most disconcerting to eat food that colour!
This afternoon it was over to Ali's to go and do some further research and detailed ordering of the wedding cake, time is flying by it'll be July in no time.
I think I'm developing a head ache so I've had some fresh squeezed orange juice and I'm off for an early night. I'm a great believer in vitamin C at times like this.
13638 steps

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