Typical Friday night spot for Nell. Tough day covering all of Kerry's dogs as well. Very spread out as it was but then loads of road closures due to flooding and subsequent heavy traffic on alternative routes. One of our customers has moved since i last walked their dog and I drove straight past their new house. Then I couldn't find the walk Kerry had said was near their house so did even more miles to get to one I knew, which was horrendously muddy. Then after the walk I missed a turn. I had to fit in 3 walks and a visit for an elderly dog today as well so it was just manic.

We've had Jack one year today! But today was too busy to do anything special with him so he just had polos and extra carrots in his feed. Love him so much. He's spent the day in again. Horrible squelchy mud.

Steak for dinner. Nom nom

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