I’m happy!

Today is a cold, wet, grey day. Think Mother Nature is preparing me for when I get to my parents’ house next week! Dreich weather for sure.

Kent stopped at the store at 5 am this morning before going to work. While there he sends me a picture of a Christmas hoodie they have (6 different designs)

Well that did it! I had to then get up and go to the store myself to buy one of the hoodies for my Mum.

Once home again I did a few tasks to prep for my trip before meeting Birgit for lunch.

We tried a new place for our lunch and although the food was good I was still hungry afterwards. :-(

Birgit asked if I wanted to go with her to look for a couple of items for her office. One of the places we went was World Market and I made a beeline to the section to see if they had mince meat tarts this year.

They do and I buy some. After dropping Birgit and her goodies off at the office I head for home but one of the mince tarts didn’t make it! Yum.

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