
By Kiteseeker

Butter would not melt!

After a dreadful nights sleep I spent most of the day dodging showers. First it was Pilates and fortunately as the heavens opened we were offered a lift home. Then home to try and finish painting and replacing the handles on the dining room door. 

Out with Jet again trying to beat some of the heavier showers. A bit concerned when I met a lady who alerted me to meat being left around Pickering. She could not say whether the meat had been poisoned or not. Still I kept a close eye on our resident hoover who would down any free pickings without a backward glance. 

Managed to get him to pose amongst the autumn leaves although he seemed to think it deserved a treat.

Washed out as I got home and nearly nodded off. So I think an early night is called for.

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