
By MumOf4Wildlings

Productive day so far.

Today has been very productive and it's not even 2pm.
This morning whilst the biggest was at school, the middle one had a hearing test to see how his gromits are holding up and if there has been any improvement with them in. He had two lovely audiology nurses and then a friendly E.N.T doctor. They walked hand in hand to her room. She put him at ease.
They are impressed with the results of the test but will do another one in 3month's or so.
The little wildling behaved while this was all happening.

I got to spend some one on one time with Lincoln when we got home. I put harp for a nap and then linc chose a new jigsaw. He really is good at them. I cannot do them and neither can dad.

We did some arts and crafts this afternoon. We have been saving up bottle lids to paint green so that we can make Xmas tree card's for people. Boy's enjoyed this. The biggest loves painting his hands as it's great sensory for him.
He's been a little sensitive since we got home. But it was non uniform day and superhero dress up. We are going to go to the soft play so he can run it all off.

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