Here there and everywhere

By digitaldaze

The Humble 'Granada'

'Granada' is Spanish for pomegranate and they're in season at the moment in Spain and so are everywhere.  Inspired by those two blips and blippers below

 as well as Jamie Oliver's video

I bought two big ones to use in salads.  I was surprised at just how many pomegranate seeds you get from one piece of fruit - see the bowlful!   Now, it wasn't quite as easy as the lovely Jamie makes out, but it wasn't exactly difficult.  A bit of a faff picking out the little white bits, but worth it.  We had them in our salad last night (see Bb's blip: spinach, pomegranate seeds, walnuts and feta cheese and we even sprinkled a few on our smoked salmon and cream cheese blinis (bit of a mid-week treat and dry run for Saturday).  This is the second one prepared here and it's for tomorrow as we're having a few friends round for early Christmas drinks.  I know, I know, a bit early, but it's a good way to see people before it gets too busy. 

Those two pomegranates cost just 1 euro 20, which makes me feel embarrassed that I paid 2 euros for a small already-prepped tray just last week as it was right there at the cash desk tempting me in a small fruit and veg shop. 

Any other ideas for using them welcome!  I thought about putting them into ice cubes.  Can you freeze the seeds?

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