Is it real??

After numerous emails and texts, I was eventually cancelled for work today and not given anything else so had an unexpected day off.

I took Bella for a walk and saw my very first Kingfisher! It was only fleeting but I know where to go back now!!

On my walk, a lady with her dog approached me. She mistook me for someone else and blurted out that it was Aldi she got her pink coat from. Then realising her mistake apologised and said "oh, you arnt the lady who was asking are you?"...... only then did she realise that actually..... we had the same coats on!! How strange is that!!

I also managed to relocate a lost dog with their owner and called into Homebase to introduce Bella to some Christmas Decorations. She had a good old bark at this Reindeer but after some reassurance and a few treats accepted it well and kissed it on the nose. She got a few laughs and admiring looks!

After a lovely Radox bath I was back in my PJs by 5pm ready for a quiet night in!

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