The Egg Cracked Under Interrogation

I have lost the plot a bit…. I slept really badly last night and unfortunately I had to be up early for grandad duties today. A bit bleary eyed and with a baby that refuses to entertain herself today (of all days) - my brain is frazzled.

Pouring with rain so I have no chance of going out with baby and dogs!

Finally persuaded the little perisher to have a nap mid afternoon - so I spent the time creatively interrogating the egg and posting my blip. Also managed a few minutes shut-eye too. Hopefully I can survive the rest of the day.

Finlay’s wound is drying up nicely - he is wearing an old t-shirt of mine around his middle to stop him licking. Hopefully he will make a full recovery - maybe just another scar to add the many he has (a legacy of his past life).

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