Foggy Dew

When I took the dog out for her walk this morning I could see the fog rising in the distance against the hillside. But to get a decent picture of it I knew we'd have to hurry south to arrive at a vantage point where I could even turn the camera on. Well, the whole time I'm trying to rush along, the little dog decides that this is the perfect time to sniff and explore every blade of grass and crack in the sidewalk, not to mention the necessary stops she made to answer the call. And the whole time the sun is getting stronger and destroying the fog and my picture along with it.
As you can see, we made it.
But the wonderful thing about Blip is that if I hadn't made it you would never have known of my failure and there'd have been some other picture posted today. So....enjoy the trek, have fun, and take the gifts as they are given.

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