Plus ça change...

By SooB


Up early to get some work shifted.  That ended up taking the whole morning, but was done by the time the kids came back for lunch.  Also a reassuring call with my local election office in Scotland - I think we'll be safe with postal votes after all as they are sending them out soon.

Then off this afternoon for a long overdue appointment for TallGirl at the podologue for new insoles.  As it had been so long, she ended up having a full check up. Turns out she has some funny leg thing that means she can't touch her toes.  And he knew this without asking her to touch her toes.  (Obviously as soon as he was off in the other room making the insoles, I asked her to touch her toes and - sure enough - she's miles off.  Even stiff old me can still touch her toes!)

So she has exercises, new insoles and I have a very much lightened wallet.  Further lightened by taking advantage of having a passenger to go and pick up a very large tree in a car ill-suited to tree carrying.  We managed.

Then after dinner, a very rare night out in a bar for me with a friend - though it may become a regular thing on jujitsu/judo nights.  And now I feel my bed's icy grip calling me... (must put the electric blanket on - I mentioned it to TallGirl the other day and she's apparently been using hers for a month!)

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