Today was cold. Brrrrr..................

It was minus 2 when I went on my morning walk today. We went to Bruntsfield Links and I had to do lots of running about to keep warm. And just look what I found........................ A yellow thing?! At first I thought it was a frisbee. But it wasn't a frisbee. We think it was a plastic holder for portable football goals. Whatever?! I had lots of fun running around with it. But then I spotted a little Cockerpoo that I wanted to play with so I dropped the yellow thing and went racing off to play chase.

And then this afternoon I went to Hermitage of Braid where I met a 6 year old whippet type dog. He could run faster than me. I don't think I've ever met a dog that can run faster than me. I was doing my speediest running but he caught me every single time. It was really good fun though.

And do you know what?...................... Today I have been a perfect pooch. I got really muddy in the Hermitage because the frost had melted and made the ground all wet and yucky. I met quite a few people who thought I was the cutest little dog ever but I was very, very, good and didn't do any inappropriate 'jumping up' at people. Phew!

When we got to the end of the Hermitage, where I have to go back on my lead, I went straight into the burn for a quick wallow to get clean even though the water was really cold.

Ann wishes I could be a perfect pooch all the time!

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