
Women in Hanoi can hold hands on the street. On closer examination I think the one woman is holding the other’s wrist, and may be doing it to steady herself, but I have seen many young women holding hands around town. Cultural differences are interesting. 

We changed hotels. It is easier to stay in one hotel for a while. You learn where you’ve put things. The fewer hotel moves the fewer opportunities to lose things. My colleague accidentally left things behind at last night’s hotel. At least he is still in the city and can get his things tomorrow. Tonight’s hotel is perfectly fine. It is kind of cool in a no-airconditioning, no-gym but the people are lovely and it has character kind of way. 

I’m so tired that I wasn’t walking real steady outside tonight and I dribbled food on my shirt. You know, the shirt is pilling anyway. 

I have a very nice hotel tomorrow night in Ho Chi Minh, but when I tried to get additional nights found they’d jacked the price up to $734 a night. WHAT???? Guess we won’t be staying there those nights. 

I’m going to Da Nang this weekend. Years ago I learned that there is a dragon bridge in Vietnam and vowed that if I should ever be sent there I’d go see it. 

Vietnam is a lovely country. The people are just as nice as could be. The photo opportunities are endless. There is an alarm going off in the room next to mine. I hope it doesn’t go off while I’m trying to sleep. I have to leave too early tomorrow to fly to Ho Chi Minh so the hotel will make a little breakfast for me to take with me. I decided to go easy on me and take the cab to the airport. 

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