Thank You For the Days ..

By Fyael

Sign of the Times

Actually, I think it's a pub, or maybe something fancier. It's right next door to the Courthouse at the top of Chambers Street.

I was on my way to the National Library to hear Janice Galloway talk about Muriel Spark. She was very entertaining and a wee bit scary (rather like Muriel. though I think she was a big bit scary). The audience was largely composed of Edinburgh ladies of a certain age, and they were scared into silence by JG's firing direct questions at them -us. Luckily, I'm small, and was sitting near the back ....

Percy says thanks for the good wishes. He's getting an extra meal a day so we can administer his painkillers and be sure he's getting them, and not his greedy brother. So he's pretty happy.

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