
...already! I'd have to go back to look at last year's pictures, but I'm pretty sure that the shoreline foliage didn't start freezing until the end of December and into January, so this is really early. It was 13 degrees (F) this morning (-10.5 C) when I went out to shovel--I never did it yesterday after it finished snowing--and I regret waiting as everything was frozen, making it way more difficult to shovel. When I was done I headed to the beach to see if anything had iced up & took quite a few pictures. I put three more "icy" pictures & one of the geese (running on the water to get up into the air) into my extras, just because I still have so many extras left. It's my sister's birthday today, so I called and wished her a happy one, and I told her I'd meet her for breakfast on Thursday & I'd treat in honor of the occasion. MD appointment for Tom tomorrow and if all looks okay the next round of chemo will start on Monday. :))

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