One of these starlings HAS to be in profile surely
bottom just left of centre I think. I'm clutching at starlings looking for a mono profile image. S'cuse the pun but I'm winging it. Ouch!!!
I would have given the subject much more time & thought if I had'nt been ironing, the temperamental iron that tripped the electrics is back working. I let hubby plug it in. I know, I'm a sissy. It was'nt the thought of getting electrocuted, oh no, it was the grief of me being THE one that did it. Swiftly moving on, ironing done, I decided I needed to move the secondhand Ikea cupboard, the one that gradually creeps from upright to a serious lilt. The back panel hanging off due to me stuffing the shelves. Ops! I should no better. Hubby was quite amenable. Strike while the irons hot I thought. Apart from hubby hammering in SCREWS .......... don't get me started, the unit somehow held together. Moved, re-filled with all my junk, I moved the other shelving unit. Not Ikea, not wonky, just chocka with more of my "stuff". I really, really must make something with all the stuff I've kept from my countryside rambles. A good winter project for after I've sorted the allotment, & found some inspiration.
Lunch break.
Next job. Give the front hedge a haircut. It's a bit wonky but it'll do for now. My assistant was following close behind me with the broom.
Oh my goodness!!! I've been away from the tv for a whole week, and now I'm back, The Chase has gone replaced with a new quiz programme, & the Xmas ads have started ... Bah humbug!!! Fortunately Magners cider has'nt changed, well it tastes good to me.
A tasty chicken & veggie soup for dinner with freshly baked soda bread.
Thanks to MerrilHope for hosting Mono Monday, plus the tag "profile"
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