Building up
We heard last week that LongLegs is to have his heart surgery this week.
It’s a significant operation; an aortic root replacement, a 5-7 hour op, with a 2-3 month convalescence period. :-(
So he goes in on Wednesday afternoon and will have the op on Thursday morning.
Tonight he popped home to drop off all his bags for his long convalescence.
He’s in good form and we love him dearly. He is a most excellent young man in my opinion.
This is what he wrote in an email he sent round to friends and family ...
”I read this in Psalm 56 recently and it made me chuckle: 'When I am afraid, I put my trust in you. In God, whose word I praise - in God I trust and am not afraid. What can mere mortals do to me?'. I thought to myself with a smile, 'well my doctors can do quite a lot to me actually, knock me out with powerful drugs, cut me open and do all sorts', but that's precisely the point. Nothing can be done without God in control. In God's hands everything is chill. Even though David who writes it is in big trouble and seized by the Philistines he can trust God. So cool.”
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