
By monochrome


Highlight of the day? Not quite, although it was a nice milestone to have passed.

We were invited around to Debbie's parents for dinner, which, we thought, would be just a casual, normal-weekend-type thing. So, the missus and I duly turned up in our jeans and casual t-shirts to find the inlaws all dolled up. After getting in, getting a drink etc and chatting about things in general, there was a knock at the door, and in walked my parents and my aunt and uncle. Being the day before our 1st anniversary, the mother-in-law had invited everyone round (without us knowing) to celebrate, replicating almost exactly the menu served at the wedding breakfast. To top it all off, she even arranged for the same "friends-mum" who had made our original wedding cake to make a carrot cake (which was one of the layers in our original cake) especially for the night. All in all, it was a lovely surprise, and a lovely meal too!

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