
I’ve taken no photos at all today, but Rich took this to send to James who’s in the UK at the mo. A last minute lunch with Jud, Stephen, Camilla and Rich. Made an asparagus soup and a vegetable one. Wonderful to have the guys around and to natter a few hours away. Danny and Stephen took off a bit earlier to go see the family of one of the prison lads, here visiting him from England. Late afternoon the kids and I went to the park and hung out with the Arnold’ so lovely to chat in amongst the chaos of a big kids park!
Home and cooked for the homeless guys & now I’m under the covers and hoping Nate sleeps well!

Today I’m grateful for;
1) Friends filling up the table.
2) The way Jud loves and cares for Asha.
3) Golden chat with Becky, whilst freezing in the park post sunset.

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