Life's Little Moments

By dbifulco

Changing colors...

This is a hatch-year House Finch, molting into what is shaping up to be some pretty splendid adult plumage.  The colors of these finches varies tremendously in terms of the amount of red they show.  Scientists believe that the female house finches show preference for more brightly colored males - not so different than humans, I guess.  

It was a quiet day.  SIL is recovering well, but still needing to move very slowly and take pain meds regularly.  She is definitely looking more alert than yesterday, though.

I had a good weight session at the gym today - hitting my goal of 5 days this week.  I will most likely make it 6 tomorrow as I plan to go and do some time on the treadmill.  

Meanwhile, it has been very cold today - highs only in the 30's F.  Tomorrow should "warm up" to 50 if we are lucky.  Winter is definitely on its way....sigh.

Thanks for stopping by.


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