Teeny Tiny Fungus

Found this specimen growing out of a fallen tree trunk this morning - I thought it was a bit different as the stem had grown out sideways before turning upright and opening. It is only about 1cm across.

We braved the woods this morning - but it wasn’t as squelchy as I thought it would be, somewhat surprising given the amount of rain we have had.

More fabric packing today….not sure how much more there is to come!

This afternoon I made our tea - butter chicken curry and sweet potato bhajis. Just needs reheating and some non-rice preparing. Can’t decide whether to go with sweet potato ‘rice’ or Barenaked Rice - either one is lower carb than standard rice.  Also made some carrot and coriander soup.

One load of washing dried outside today - just. Another load in the dryer.

I think I have earned a beer or three tonight…

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