Take Two

On Thursday I blipped a Weka and this morning this smaller one was walking up the path to the front door.  I quickly shut the door and waited on the step for it to pass by.  It wasn't at all concerned about me.  The shutting of the door is important because they are a curious bird and will walk inside to have a poke around.  If startled they leave a deposit on your carpet.  This has happened once to us.  
Last night at drinks Ann had a funny story of coming home to find Weka tracks going up her stairs and down the hallway.  She looked but couldn't see it in any of the rooms.  She sat down in the lounge and waited and soon the Weka came walking down the hallway.  When Ann stood up it retreated into a bathroom and quick thinking Ann threw a towel over it and scooped it up to release outside.  She said it really kicked with those big feet and legs.  Her garage is under her house and she thinks she left the door open from the garage to the house and the Weka snuck in as the garage door was going down.   The older street residents said there weren't Weka here when they moved in thirty years ago so the population is increasing. 
P.S I had posted a tryptic but have changed my mind now. 
The weka (also known as Maori hen or woodhen) (Gallirallus australis) is a flightless bird species of the rail family. ...
The common name, "weka", is a Māori word


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