afternoon moon

Actually, I saw stars first. When I took Laney out for her 3 pm walk, we were greeted by a herd of 10 mule deer does. We tried walking around them, but the matriarch came toward us with an evil eye, and Laney bolted right out of her collar! Fortunately, Laney bolted away from the herd, not into it. Once I got her settled down and back into her collar and leash, we went a brand new route. And there was gravel from the recent snow storm on the road and down I went, skinning my hand, elbow, and knee. Ouch (stars!) Luckily, I did not have my good camera with me!!
So once I got home, I snapped a shot of the moon overhead, and took a little lie down. Now I'm all better, except for a few bandaids. 

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