The Green Route

Over the last three months on my visits to the Nail Bar (!!!!) I have been watching the progress on a lot of work being done on the road outside.  I was quite amazed to find this bright green and yellow stretch of road there today for a cycle lane.  I've never seen a stretch of road that colour!  I thought it really cheered things up.  I was tempted to have green nails to go with it but I went for hot lave (Red orange)  instead.

We are hoping we might have found somewhere to celebrate Dad's 90th birthday next year.  Just waiting to find out if our booking is accepted.  Hope so!  We are quite excited!

Lots going on of course, but trying to get a few of them sorted so the pressure is off.

Dad cancelled an appointment with the Deaf Service for 20 November.  It's taken me ages to get that appointment for him!  He thought it was to do with his ear wax and decided he'd already had that done.  I will attempt to sort that one out on Monday!  Oh well.

Happy weekend everyone.

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