Everyday I Write The Book

By Eyecatching

Lost in space.

One of the most intense working days in a long time. Productive, but very full on.

Mrs B the cleaner was in. Quite a character. Thai, around three feet tall, old, has that tough look about her like a tree root or a pair of antique leather boots. But she was saddened at Monty’s passing and spoke very lovingly about him. And every time Alexa said a reminder she came upstairs to tell me. "Mr Justin. Alexa say you have to phone the hospital" and ten minutes later "Mr Justin. Alexa say you need to fix crack in bath". Lovely woman.

Managed a short gym trip. TSM did another (nearly) 12 hour working day.
All too full on. I was so tired all I could blip was my bedside lamp. Kind of cool though.

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