Lemon Split

My Dear Fellows and Dear Princess,

Today I have been married to my lovely wife for 12 years! It is somewhat incredible to me. Our wedding day feels like just a couple of years back. I told Caro that she is prettier now than she was then. And I mean it. It is nothing to do with the surgery.

I think it is New Zealand. 

I wonder if it is making ME prettier too?  Also, remind me to measure my willy.

In other news, Lemon announced today that she will not be renewing her contract at the end of this month. I wasn't surprised; she'd been murmuring about leaving MPI for a month or so.

When she first floated the idea, she said it was because she wanted a job closer to home. But in the end, she took another contract in the CBD. I strongly suspect it is due to that shower of plonkers, our vendors, who have worn her down with their relentless shitness for the last 6 months.

I'm going to miss Lemon. She's good with the craic. You will miss her too, I expect. She's been GREAT blip material.

And I had NEARLY got her to drop the C-bomb too! Dammit. So close.

In fact, she told me she was having dinner with her cousins the other night and said she was chatting away when suddenly one of them stopped her.

COUSIN: Lemon! What HAS happened to your language?!
LEMON: What do you mean?
COUSIN: You've been SWEARING away at us all evening!
LEMON: Have I?
COUSIN: Is it that MAN you sit next to at work??

Maybe THAT'S why she's leaving! No, surely not.


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