
A 3am start to be on a 6.30am flight, 45minute transit in Frankfurt, then onward to Bucharest. Arrive, drive to mountain, friends, beer, blip....

I should have known. No plan survives contact with the enemy. In this case the enemy were, and some blippers will already have guessed... Lufthansa.
Despite having done online check in they insisted on booking me in again at Manchester and issuing me tickets. Tickets that clearly stated my already tight on time onward flight left from gate B24. I arrive in time, the board above the gate said ten minute delay, then everyone gets up to queue.... For the flight to Boston.
My flight it transpires now leaves from gate B17. Sounds close, it isn't. Running is seriously not fun anymore. Getting the door quite literally shut in your face is even less.
They've been nice as pie and put me on the next flight... 10hours later. And no, they're not paying for the hotel I need in Bucharest, they've charged me an Admin fee, and yes, I'm being very Britishly sarcastic.
Ive read a book, watched a movie, written a blog, written 1200 actually OK words on my maybe one-day novel, emailed, phoned, walked 16000stps, but I'm so bored.
And then, just as I was thinking to myself "how could this be worse?".... This chap sits down next to me.....

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