Rocky Mountain Moments

By pipersmom

From Dad's Wallet

My dad was born in 1917 and this was given to him by his mother when he was a young man.  He carried it with him his whole life.  It must be at least 85 years old, maybe more.  I remember him showing it to me and telling me about it when I was a child.  I had forgotten about it until I found it in his wallet after he passed away 15 years ago.  

In the middle under the crucifix it says, "I am a Catholic.  In case of accident please call a priest."  Below that he filled in his name and address at the time.  The medals are St. Anne, St. Louis, St. Joseph, Sacred Heart of Jesus and Miraculous Medal.  On the bottom is a scripture from Luke 2:21, "At that time after eight days were accomplished, that the child should be circumcised and His name was called Jesus which was so named of the angel before he was conceived."  It folds into a tiny package about 1.5 inches square.  Dad would be happy that it is my blip today.  Many thanks to Debbi (dbifulco) for hosting Tiny Tuesdays this month!

I am grateful to have this wonderful treasure that meant so much to my dad. 

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