
Looking serene but paddling like fury underneath!

Glancing over driving on the Huddersfield Road there were quite a lot of swans on the River Calder. This is on the drive back from  the rehab centre where my Dad is, to home where Mum is with now a bad back for some reason.

Highlight for the day - walking through Dewsbury clutching incontinent pads with my total frustration and anger well hidden with the Care Home which didn't tell us we had to provide this a week ago amongst other things. We've been there nearly every single day and not a squeak about what we should be doing. Their idea of physiotherapy is just to leave a few exercises by the bed! Would that work for you at 92?

Two hours on the computer trying to fill in a form on Dad's behalf and still it wouldn't accept my answers. 

We will get this sorted and thank goodness for my lovely aunt who has huge amounts of expertise in this area and been wonderful plus... to an also random lady in Boots who pointed me in the right direction as she used to work in this field. Her final words to me were that what ever you buy don't leave them in the room as they will go to all the other patients and your Dad will have nothing. Great! 

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