out and about

By kiwi

who, me?

today I went for a wee walk earlier in the day, near my house, and Mrs cat decided to come along with me for company. This was quite nice, if a little unusual but along she trotted sniffing out the new things on the route.

This evening we went out of the house to walk to the hotel next door, thorugh their gardens, to a political promotion, pre election. Mrs Cat was eating her food, but she dived out of the cat flap to come and walk with us. Along she came but when she realised we'd gone IN to the hotel and she was OUTSIDE, she decided that the closed front door was a minor obstacle and we should still be followed. 5 minutes later I decided to leave, and came out to find a harrassed cook outside chasing the cat with a kitchen towel, with Mrs Cat looking serene and unperturbed. Before I owned up that she was mine, the staff were chasing along the hotel closing all the doors and windows, still with the cat looking innocent. Time to own up I thought, and called her, and along she came, meek as can be, and walked back with me. Hmmmm. I thought cats were supposed to be low maintenance and certainly didnt expect embarrasment.

But perhaps thats where 'cat burglar' came from.

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