Autumn gales

Oh, for sharp crisp frosts and bright chilly days!  The wind and the rain are relentless! The road is strewn with seaweed and in places underwater!

It takes ages to get all your waterproof gear on, wellies, hat and gloves and then you have to drag your poor little dog out into it and try and find a sheltered place for her to do the necessary! Trying to stand upright is tricky enough....

H rang to ask me to come and help in the afternoon. The ponies had been in all day so needed cleaning out and extra haylage but the wind was so strong she could not manage the doors and wheelbarrows at the same time. Things like this are so much easier with two, and it's much more companionable as well. Seeing the ponies all snug and content for the night was very rewarding, even if we were wet and chilly! 

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