Folkie Booknerd

By Folkiebooknerd

Accidents Will Happen

I was heading up to bed last night and thought I’d better just check that the cat had enough food in her bowl to last her through until morning. She’d only got a few scraps left so I bent down to pick up her current bag of Go-Cat (other brands are available!) and promptly smacked my face quite hard into the sharp corner of the storage unit next to the cat bowl... It’s only been there about 13 years so I’m clearly not used to it quite yet!

After a brief pause for some choice language and jumping up and down (always an effective form of pain management, I find!), I managed to feed the cat successfully and apply some arnica to my face before crawling under the duvet.

Today I awoke to discover that I’m developing a bit of a shiner despite the arnica treatment...

Here are Elvis Costello and The Attractions

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