Wildlife Street Photography

Both my lads have come down with bad colds and are coughing and spluttering at home. One of my team here at work has also come down with something and is working from home while infectious. I noted the vaguest of a sniffle last night so I'm taking every precaution - including taking a day off from exercise. So far so good.

I've found that I have to be in the right mood for this street photography lark. Feeling the pressure of this deadline, I've felt a little subdued this week and less inclined to get out there with the camera. I've preferred to melt away into the background rather than be exposed for everyone to see amidst the hustle and bustle of Market Square. It's perhaps strange then that I found myself this lunchtime down on one of the meaner streets of the locality.

This is a hang out for all kind of dodgy characters, scroungers mostly, feeding on handouts from innocent passers-by. They are also quite prepared to steal what they can. This is not a place to sit down peacefully and eat your sandwich. It's not a place where street photography is necessarily tolerated either. This fellow, clearly fresh from a fight, was not happy at having his picture taken. I blipped and ran. This game is not for the faint-hearted!

Have a great weekend everyone.

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