Wet & windy

What do you do when its blowing a gale and pissing it down? Add more water! I spent the morning at the yard pressure washing the trailer before it goes off to have some work done on it.

I bought the horses in for the day to get a break from the wind and rain.

Lunch at the In-Law's where Gorgeous was fitting a new range cooker. I then walked the dogs including Evie the Wondergod...Even the dogs were relieved when the walk came to an end and they could climb back in the car out of the weather.

I went back to the horses and gave Jeepers a good massage. He has a fair few areas of tension so I'm just gently working on those, the worst are his shoulder and withers, also high up on his neck. He thoroughly appreciates it.

Gorgeous arrived as darkness fell and we returned them to the field with fresh dry rugs on. Is it Spring yet?

Too horrid for photos all day so had to get the neglected Canon out of the bag once home and shoot the flowers. Extra added too, to celebrate the re-emergence of the Canon. Been using my phone far too much lately.

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