Its the Way It Is

By Jeano

An interesting day

and for a record for myself, I am documenting it in a miniature (8x5 cms)

At the top there is a beeswax candle lighting for my loved ones who have passed away. Today is traditionally All Souls Day where you remember and pray for the dead. In the past I would have been indifferent to such things, but today I prayed earnestly for my father and my husband.

Then comes Bray Head which was in my line of view as I swam today at 8am.

The line of the waves meshes into an illustration of a picture I saw today in our National Gallery in Dublin. It was painted by Sorolla (Master of Light) of his wife and newborn baby. I saw the original today - it is indeed beautiful.

Then into the to see ‘Sorry We Missed You’ by Ken Loach. This is an upsetting, bleak film about a family falling apart due to financial pressures. The dad drove for a courier company called PDF (Parcels Delivered Fast). Don’t go see it if you get upset easily. It really upset me. Ken Loach is a good director.

Then I had coffee in town with my cousin and his wife. They have just become grand-parents and their grand-daughter has the same name as my daughter.

I am home now and my plate of spaghetti is at bottom right hand corner.

Extra shows the last stages of my candle. Lucky Christmas looms.. My kids know what I always like to receive.

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